Ethical Hacking | Cyber Security

  • Cross Site Scripting vs SQL Injection

    Cross Site Scripting vs SQL Injection

    In this comprehensive comparison of Cross Site Scripting vs SQL Injection attacks (XSS vs SQL Injection) we will explore the key differences between them on various aspects of cybersecurity. XSS and SQL Injection Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection are two common types of input validation attacks that pose significant risks to the security and…

  • Bobby Tables: The Iconic Tale of SQL Injection

    Bobby Tables: The Iconic Tale of SQL Injection

    Check out this iconic tale of Bobby Tables from the xkcd webcomic and learn how Robert got the name Little Bobby Tables due to a SQL injection vulnerability. Who is Bobby Tables? Bobby Tables is a fictional character from the popular webcomic xkcd: Exploits of a Mom, created by Randall Munroe. He is also known…

  • ChatGPT Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Smart Prompts

    ChatGPT Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Smart Prompts

    Although ChatGPT is already a powerful tool, users have creatively devised “ChatGPT Hacks” to further maximize its potential across various domains. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore these hacks, providing practical tips and tricks with smart prompts that demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of AI models. Basic Tips ChatGPT Hacks Here are some advanced tricks…

  • Image Steganography with S-Tools

    Image Steganography with S-Tools

    This step-by-step guide explains how to hide secret data in an image using steganography tools. Download S-Tools and learn Image Steganography with S-Tools. Introduction to S-Tools S-Tools is a versatile and powerful steganography tool used for concealing information within digital files, primarily images and audio files. Steganography is the practice of hiding one piece of…

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tips

    Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tips

    Here are some data loss prevention (DLP) tips to help protect sensitive information and prevent data breaches: 1. Identify and classify sensitive data Start by identifying the types of data that are critical to your organization’s operations and classify them based on their level of sensitivity. This helps in prioritizing protection efforts and applying appropriate…

  • Understand The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking

    Understand The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking

    This cyber security guide highlights the five phases of ethical hacking: reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and clearing tracks. The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking Ethical hacking follows a structured and systematic approach to assess the security of computer systems and networks, known as the five phases of ethical hacking. Each of these 5…